Member-only story
You know, sometimes I think we forget just how special we are.
Like, have you ever stopped to really think about it?
Out of billions of people, there’s only one you.
No one else has your exact laugh, your unique way of thinking, or the way you light up a room when you’re just being yourself.
That’s wild, isn’t it?
But I get it — it’s easy to lose sight of that.
Especially when you’re scrolling through social media, seeing everyone’s highlight reels.
You start comparing yourself to their curated lives and think, What do I even bring to the table?
Let me tell you, you bring everything.
Those people you’re comparing yourself to?
They don’t have what you do. No one does.
And I know how hard it can be to believe that.
There were so many moments in my life where I felt invisible, like nothing I did really mattered.
But then I realised something: the people who love me, who truly see me, they don’t love me for what I pretend to be.
They love me for who I am.
The messy, imperfect, beautiful version of me. And the same goes for you.